генеалогія і архівы, гісторыя сям'і, радавод

*Цана: 120 еўра за гадзіну
Папярэдняя кансультацыя неабходна пры любой замове.
Кансулькацыя можа ўключаць у сябе ўдакладненне напрамкаў пошукаў, высвятленне зацікаўленасцяў кліента, фіксацыю і сістэматызацыю ўступнай інфармацыі, а таксама -- канкрэтныя парады па пошуку неабходных крыніц і дакументаў.
Прапаную 15-20 хвілін бясплатна - каб зразумець патрэбы, мэты і зацікаўленасці кліента.
Прафесійная кансультацыя - вусная ці пісьмовая, - калі я трачу час на аналіз, абагульненне, генерырванне парадаў патрабуе аплаты.
Ацэнка перспектыўнасці даследаванняў сямейнай гісторыі - асобная паслуга, калі патрабуе значанага часу для аналізу, таксама платная.
Для атрымання высокаякаснай кансультацыі насойліва раю пісьмова дасылаць інфармацыю па адпаведнай тэматыцы. Такі падыход дазваляе кліенту зафіксіраваць і сістэматызаваць свой матэрыял, а мне - лепш падрыхтавацца да кансультацыі.
Калі Вы жадаеце вусна працягла абмяркоўваць свае патрэбы, прашу паведамляць пра гэта загадзя. Калі Вам пасля гэтага неабходна пісьмовае рэзюмэ і/або мае прафесійныя рэкамендацыі, неабходна аплата такой працы. Як і пры любой пісьмовай кансультацыі, патрабуецца перадаплата.
Плата за слкаданне мной любога дакумента агаворваецца загадзя і будзе ацэнена не меньш чым за палову гадзіны працы.
Я прадстаўляю справаздачы-кансультацыі ў выглядзе дакумента аб'ёмам ад аднаго абзаца да некалькі старонак інфармацыі на падставе архіўных звестак.
Працоўныя мовы -- беларуская, руская, польская і англійская.
Such an expertise involves not only working with family history but also addressing other relevant topics for the client.
The task involves working with both offline and online databases, as well as scientific reference materials found in archives and libraries, such as catalogs, inventories, and reference literature.
I identify potential sources related to the client's interests and assess the prospects of archival research. In genealogy, it also involves evaluating and analyzing the preservation of documents, which form the basis for researching a specific family history. In some cases, no documents have been preserved for certain regions, making it impossible to delve deep into the past, sometimes being not able to search even 1-2 generations back due to the absence of surviving records.
Our expertise includes processing and analyzing the client's initial data, determining geographical reference points for the search, developing algorithms for a search strategy, and analyzing the prospects of archival searches. It is important to note that administrative subordination of most populated areas could change depending on the historical period and affiliation to a particular state, the expertise includes the identification of this data for my clients.
To commence work in this direction, an upfront payment equivalent to 1-2 hours of my work (depending on the initial data) is required. The final document will be sent after payment for the total time spent on its preparation. The client will receive justification and calculations of the final amount.
The result will be presented in the form of a report, ranging from a single paragraph to several pages, based on the archival sources.

Экспертыза перспектыўнасці пошуку
Цана: 120 еўра за гадзіну

Паўнавартаснае генеалагічнае даследаванне
Цана: ад 950 еўра
This service involves exhaustive research through preserved documents to provide a comprehensive family history report. The report can be presented in either textual or graphical (video) format based on client preferences and financial considerations. The text typically includes densely packed archival information with references to specific documents, their copies, and explanations for the meanings of said documents. The length of the document starts from 5-20 pages, depending on the available sources.
A feasibility assessment, as described in the previous service type, is required before starting the research. The payment for this assessment is included in the advance for the research.
Researching the family involves delving into the depths of generations as far as the available documents allow. It includes documenting each generation's husband, wife, and children, as well as uncovering other significant information about the family history. The goal is not to expand the family tree with thousands of names unless the client requests it.
Due to the significant time required, I can only undertake a limited number of genealogical studies each year. Therefore, your research may be queued, and all details and terms will be negotiated individually. The work involves processing thousands of pages of documents, often in different languages and with varying levels of complexity. A thorough family history investigation is unlikely without the client's assistance in refining initial information. Please be patient and understanding.
The average completion time is about 12 months, and the final cost depends on the complexity of the research and the number of documents reviewed. All documents examined that do not contain relevant information will be documented and included in the final report. A comprehensive genealogical study starts at 950 euros for one line, with discounts available for multiple lines, particularly if they originate from the same locality and social class. I specialize in genealogical research of individuals from various religions (Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Jews, Protestants) and nationalities (Jews, Belarusians, Poles, Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Russians) with roots in Eastern Europe, specifically Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia - countries that were once part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
Гэтая паслуга пошуку дакументаў, неабходных для
- незалежнага генеалагічнага даследавання
- вырашэння сацыяльна-прававых пытанняў
- напісання навуковых прац, кніг, артыкулаў
- стварэння медыякантэнта.
Храналагічныя рамкі: XVIII-XX ст.
Тэрміны і цэны - па дамоўленасці.

Тэматычны пошук дакументаў
Цана: па дамоўленасці

Пошук дакументаў для сацыяльна-прававых мэтаў
Цана: па дамоўленасці
The service entails searching for documents that contain information about nationality, such as Polish, Jewish, Lithuanian, German, and Belarusian.
This is a highly specialized search that can dispel family legends and customer expectations.
I do not engage in falsifications or mystifications.
Instead, I provide accurate information based on available sources, reflected in documents to the extent allowed by archival sources.
Chronological framework: 18th-20th centuries.
Timelines and prices are negotiable.
This service offers
assistance in searching for biographical information
about individuals, clarifying facts about the biographies
of celebrities, and providing historical information about settlements, streets, buildings, and various objects.
Documentary evidence of historical events, etc.
Chronological framework: 18th-20th centuries.
Timelines and prices are negotiable.

Складанне тэматычны х спісаў архіўных дакументаў
Цана: па дамоўленасці
Як замаўляць
Генеалогія і архівы, радавод. Перыклады справаздач

To order my services please send me an email or message through the website messenger. I will respond as soon as possible.
It would be appreciated if you could provide your name, preferred language of communication, what assistance you need (with the most essential details)
I will evaluate if a more detailed analysis of your information is necessary and send you a response.
If it is determined that an agreement is necessary and possible, it will be sent to you.
Once you receive the agreement, please sign and return it along with the advance payment.
Work will commence upon receipt.
If you decided to order a comprehensive genealogical research, I will need the next info (please, if it is possible, prepare it for me):
names and surnames of the oldest ancestor of the genealogical line you want to research
locations connected with him or her (the place of birth, the place he or she lived, the place she or he worked, died, married, studied etc.). Without connection person-location it is practically impossible to provide a research
dates connected with the oldest ancestor (where she or he where born (baptized?), married, had a child, died, studied etc.
profession he or she had or could have (or his or her sister, father, mother)
if you ancestor was a member of any political party
if your ancestor was connected with the railway services or any other state services, plants, schools etc.
I do not share personal or sensitive information with third parties, and I do not use any data gathered during my research against my clients. Although I may occasionally use non-sensitive information on my social media, I treat any details revealing ancestral connections to sensitive or personal information with the utmost respect. In such cases, I always seek permission from my clients before utilizing such information.
P.s.: I prefer the PayPal international payment system, variants are possible, I reside in Poland